My book

This is a short one. I sat on the fence about positing this one but I decided to. So here we go. My book Grayson was released on Rouge Phoenix Press today. And I am super excited. The book has several themes but the main ones are generational colorism and how it affects a family, a dysfunctional mother daughter relationship and daughter searching for her father. It’s the first book in the series and it has been an amazing experience. My goal is to tell the story from the daughter and the mother’s point of view. There is also a sister who a feel needs a voice as well. Even though I have lived an experience similar to Grayson’s my goal in this project is to make people especially women aware of the damage they can to do their daughter both dark and light skinned when they reduce them to a skin color. I wanted to show how there are no real winners when colorism is allowed to control a family and the destruction that is caused to a child’s psyche follows them into adulthood. I am a firm believe that we have to confront racism in all of its many forms in order to diminish the strong hold that it has on our society. So if you read it please enjoy and I’m open to hearing the criticisms that you have.

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